Move It

An Intel® Realsense™ Dreamworks Madagascar Game


My role in this project was to assist the Senior Graphic Designer at Umajin - Bevan Clement with the UI & 2D assets. I also choreographed the movement for the bonus level to the song "Move It".


"King Julien is going to teach you how to Move It! Do you have what it takes to wear his crown? This dance rhythm game requires you to match King Julian's hand movements. The closer you are able to match his moves the higher the score you are awarded.  You must complete the many dance challenges to earn the right to become the Move It champion. 
Madagascar Move It!  integrates with the Intel® RealSense™ 3D Camera. This camera can track the player’s hands and match them against the moves that King Julian is making on the computer screen. The game is family friendly and fun for everyone."